Neighborhood Happenings

Welcome to the Neighborhood Blog!

Get the latest: gossip, chinwags, victories & dilemmas going on in A Dinky World.

Color illustration of A Dinky World Neighborhood blog header showing local residents going about daily activities and having a blast!

If you’re new to the neighborhood, here’s some background info:

Basil being bossed around by his AI Quince

Life's Mostly Idyllic Here But...

1. House AIs have distinct personalities and opinions so residents can be browbeaten by their AIs from time to time.

2. The plants are sentient and talk back.

3. New inventions may blow up from time to time!

Illustration showing Filbert flying in his Sky Skimmer

Looks Rural However....

Residents have advanced technology for convenience, such as:

1. Sky Skimmers & Transporpads for personal transportation.

2. Flying House AIs for indoor help and worker Swarms that handle the heavy outdoor work.

3. Which leaves more time to relish life and appreciate its uncomplicated joys.

Image of The Dinky Way, friends having a picnic together watching a beautiful rainbow

The Dinky Way

Because life’s not always idyllic:

1. Everyone here knows that returning to simple entertainments & hobbies, and relying on the kindness, friendship and understanding of others makes everything manageable – it’s known as The Dinky Way.

Neighborhood Blog

Story Image test

Story Image test

Story text here if needed Story text here if needed Story text here if needed Story text here if needed Story text here if needed Story text here if needed Story text here if needed Story...

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Who We Serve & Why

Who We Serve & Why

Hello A Dinky World Neighbor! I hope you're having a delightful day today! You know, oftentimes people want to know about the "Brand" of A Dinky World - which is kind of an interesting...

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Our Message & Vision

Our Message & Vision

Hi! What a great day it is, because I get an opportunity to chat with you again, and share a few more insights! Basically, the reason why I'm here, and love A Dinky World, is that for more...

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A Dinky World Origins

A Dinky World Origins

Hello - Hello! I'm so delighted you're here, because there have been many inspirations and evolutions of A Dinky World over the years - it didn't happen overnight - and I couldn’t be more...

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